Pubg Mobile has collaborated with the upcoming movie Godzilla VS Kong. The developers have confirmed today at the 3rd Anniversary Party. The date of the arrival hasn’t been revealed yet. But the new mode may arrive before or after the movie release date.
The developers also revealed the new Karakin map today. As it will be released on 7th April. Pubg Mobile Karakin Map will replace the Vikendi map, as the developers are seeking to make some further improvements and also to add more exciting features to the Vikendi Map.
The main theme of this new mode will be the upcoming Godzilla vs Kong. The developers always push something exciting and interesting to the game. Now this time Tencent has decided and collaborated with the movie.
After several updates, this update will be merged in the recent 1.3 update. The arrival of the mode is expected soon.
Nothing more has revealed regarding the Godzilla vs Kong in-game availability. We could expect an encounter between players and the monsters during the gameplay.