Recently Pubg Mobile developers released the Pubg Mobile 1.3 update. Now after that, the developers revealed another upcoming update for Pubg Mobile. As they announced the new Pubg Mobile karakin map to have arrived on April 7th.
Karakin map will be a small map, covering an area of 2×2 kilometres. There will be only 64 players on the battleground. As the map is quite small, so there will be intense gameplay between different squads.
Pubg Mobile posted a short teaser on their Twitter account, showing a kind of bomb falling from the sky to the ground. As they mentioned “Nope it’s not a mirage, that is a chicken dinner in the desert”.
The Pubg Mobile Karakin map will replace the Vikendi map. There will be a new mechanic and Demolition zone, through which you can fire throughout the walls and buildings causing stochastic damage. So this will force the enemies to come out to the battleground.
So the wait is almost over for the new map, as it is going to arrive on 4/7. So before that play the Vikendi map before it’s gone.