Pubg Mobile 1.3 Global update will release tomorrow (March 9). The new update will bring a new Karakin map, and other features as well. However, the game is still banned in India, so far from different reports its been mentioned that the Pubg Mobile Indian Version will be released soon.

Recently, Krafton has released a new trailer of Pubg New State. The game is likely to release soon. Besides this, update 1.3 will be deployed tomorrow without servers down.

Players who will update the game first will not be able to match with the one’s having the old version. From the Patch Notes, the Pubg update 1.3 will have a new Classic theme mode, a new vehicle, a new firearm and Hundred Rhythms.

Additionally, the new Royal Pass will be available onwards March 17, while the current Royal Pass will be ended on 15 March. Just like before there will two Royal Pass, the Elite Pass and Elite Pass Plus. The Elite Pass will cost 600 UC, while the Elite Pass Plus will cost 1800 UC.

Users will be able to download the game from Google Play Store, App Store. The update file size is almost 640 MB. Make sure to have a free space of 640 MB while updating the game. Here are the official Pubg Mobile 1.3 Patch notes.


Candelario is a Senior Editor at Thewistle. He worked for a number of leading tech publications, including Engadget, PCMag, Laptop, and Tech Times, where he served as the Managing Editor. His writing has appeared in Spin, Wired, Playboy, Entertainment Weekly, The Onion, Boing Boing, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Beast, and various other publications. You can contact Candelario on [email protected]