Pubg Mobile new update is all around the corner, the collaboration between Pubg Mobile Godzilla vs Kong has been made recently. In contrast to that, the developers have released the 1.4 Beta update a few days ago. Now the final update date is revealed by Pubg Mobile on social media platforms. This new update will be released on May 11, with new modes for Godzilla vs Kong.
After the huge success of update 1.3, this time the developers are going to bring something different to the game. The new crossover content will be available soon in Erangle map.
Furthermore, the new update features new vehicles, new game modes, including monster characters. All these updates are currently live for testing in the 1.4 beta update.
According to Sportskeeda, to access and download the new beta update, users must have an invitation code. The Invitation code can be obtained from the event section. Users need to tap on the ‘Test Server’ and to generate the code. After that users will be able to play the beta version once they enter the Invitation Code.
However, Indian users can’t have access to this new Pubg Mobile update. As we all know the game is banned in India and is still restricted for Indian users.
Additionally, there might be an Indian Version to be released later this year. But unfortunately, the officials didn’t reveal anything yet about its arrival. Likewise, a new alternative named Pubg New State is in making, which will be debuted later this year.
A recent job posting by Krafton for Pubg New State in India has brought some good news for the Indian fans. Overall, Indian users will have access to the Pubg New State.
Pubg Mobile new update will have multiple new features, modes, vehicles and more. The date of its arrival is also revealed, anyhow users still can get their hands on the 1.4 beta update by downloading the APK file.
Do note, to have a free 600 MB space on your device. And also get the Invitation code, so there will no issue while playing the new Pubg beta update.
Till then, enjoy the beta version and explore new features, as the final update is still on its way.