Apple developers have released the fifth and last beta update for the Apple Watch. The WatchOS 7.4 beta 5 is now officially available, which brings an important feature to unlock your phone via your Apple Watch.

During the pandemic, it’s quite embarrassing to unlock your iPhone’s via face unlock. Every time unlocking your phone could be a tricky part for most of the users.

Finally, the iPhone’s users will be able to unlock their phone without taking the mask away. The users need to have an Apple Watch and the iPhone on iOS 14.5.

The process of unlocking is quite simple, you must have your Apple Watch on your wrist. Just unlock the Apple Watch using your phone via Face ID or Passcode on the first try, after that you can easily unlock your iPhone without entering Passcode or using Face ID.

The WatchOS 7.4 is currently on beta versions, as Apple recommends trying the Beta versions on other devices. The feature is quite useful in such situations nowadays. This could be quite helpful for such iPhone users which don’t have the Touch ID feature on their phones.

The WatchOS 7.4 beta 5 is the last one, and it will be available publicly soon. You can check the Apple description for this new feature in the iPhone settings.  


Erika Ryan is Senior Editor at Thewistle. She previously worked for Crunchbase News as Editor in Chief as well as The Next Web, TechCrunch, and Mattermark. You can contact Erika at [email protected]