Pubg Mobile developers recently announced the new map Karakin. The map will be released on 7th April. However, Pubg Mobile Japan revealed the fastest review of the new map. The developers revealed the gameplay, explaining all its features.

Pubg Mobile new map karakin will be deployed on 4/7. The map will be limited to only 64 players on the Island. The new map has similarity to the Miramar map in visuals. Players will be able to enjoy intense gameplay in the rocky wasteland.

Pubg Mobile Karakin map has a completely dry and rocky terrain. The visuals look great on the new map. While playing in this short map, which is almost 2×2 kilometres, there is a very congested space. So you will experience intense gameplay and can have battle face to face with the enemies.

The new map will have an underground bunker as well. You can easily find weapons supplies like AR, Scope etc in the underground bunkers. Players can also stick bombs to the wall, so don’t rely on walls because they are easily destructible. The bombs can be thrown at the objects at a shorter distance, as they can explode in just five seconds.

There will also a new heavy machine PanzerFaust, the machine looks identical to the RPG machine as experience in previous modes. The PanzerFaust can destroy thin walls easily.

The Karakin map will replace the Vikendi Map, enjoy the Vikendi Map before the new map arrived.


Erika Ryan is Senior Editor at Thewistle. She previously worked for Crunchbase News as Editor in Chief as well as The Next Web, TechCrunch, and Mattermark. You can contact Erika at [email protected]