Former and present Manchester United players have offered to help a young goalkeeper training on his own during self-isolation imposed as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak in the United Kingdom (UK) and other countries.

Manchester United playmaker Juan Manuel Mata and former Manchester United goalkeeper Ben Foster both offered to help the young boy after his mom, Sarah-Jayne Tobin, posted a video of his solo training.

The video shared on Twitter showed the young goalkeeper kicking a ball at the wall of a backyard before making saves in front of a small post.

His mom posted the solo training video with a #coronavirus hashtag and the following caption: “When you’re a goalkeeper… and an only child… in self-isolation… and trying to keep up with your training… came up with this himself! I’m so impressed.”

Manchester United star Juan Mata offered to help the young goalkeeper with the 44-cap Spanish national team player keen to practice free-kicks with him.

Watford shot-stopper and ex-Red Devils player Ben Foster also offered to train the young boy.

Both Premier League players signalled their interest in him via their reply to the Twitter video posted by the young goalkeeper’s mom.

Mata and Foster have not been in action for their clubs as a result of the dreaded Coronavirus pandemic which has claimed a lot of lives all over the world including the UK.

The pandemic forced the Premier League to suspend the league till the end of next month. Premier League football was called off some two weeks ago due to the virus.

An initial return date of April 4 was announced by the Premier League until last week when the 20 clubs met to discuss the way forward for the league.

In the end, the date was shifted to the end of next month.


I am Segun Amuda , Journalist at You can also find my articles here on topics related to Football. Outside Blogging, I have a keen interest in watching English Premier League Games. For any queries or issues related to articles on our website, kindly get in touch.