Snapchat an American multimedia messaging platform recently collaborated with Moonfrog Labs, a Bengaluru-based gaming company. In contrast to bringing a Ludo Club game to the Snapchat Games. The Ludo Club is inspired by the popular game named Ludo, which is the most famous across the globe.

Now, Snapchat users are able to play the Ludo Club in Snap Games. The Snap games were initially released back in 2019, also the company introduced six games in the initial stages.

After gaining massive response from Snapchat users, the company headed towards a new initiative in the form of Ludo Club. According to a report over 100 million users on Snapchat play games with their friends and family.

Real-time gaming on social media platforms gives instant access to the users. It won’t consume too much time, as it is also easy to invite friends who are active at the moment.

In a press statement the co founder of Moonfrog labs stated that,

“We are delighted to bring one of our most popular and love games Ludo Club to the Snap Games”.

The purpose of Snap Games is to give users a platform to enjoy real-time gaming. Moreover, from another report, it’s been cited that, in India over 280 million daily active users used Snapchat, especially on Android.


Hamza Hayat is the Independent Onwer of Thewistle. He has multiple year of Experience in Content Management, SEO and Wordpress Development.