Apple introduced the all-new iPad Pro, with exceptional new hardware. The new iPad Pro is the first of its kind to have an M1 Chip on a tablet. Yes, the most powerful Apple Chip has now been added to the iPad Pro. This makes it the most powerful iPad ever.
Additionally, the 12.9-inch model now features a new liquid Retina XDR display. Which deliver great visuals and more clear image.
Besides this, there is full support for the 5G network, so streaming, watching videos, or making live calls can now be even faster than before. Also, there is Thunderbolt 3 support. So connecting all the high docks could be now possible with this. The Thunderbolt now supports up to 10Gbps Ethernet, along with all other high external displays up to 6K. Thanks to Thunderbolt, working on the new iPad will be more seamless.
The cameras have been improved overall, with a new feature called Center Stage. This feature works with a front Ultra-wide camera, it keeps users perfectly frame. With this feature, the video calls will be now more accurate and more engaging.
Both the iPad Pro 11 inch and 12.9 inches will be officially available for pre-order on April 30 at, the 11-inch model has a price tag of $799. While the 12.9 inch starts at $1,099. The storage configuration is from 128GB to 2TB.