Pubg Mobile developers have announced to restrict the Korean Version outside the region. Kr version is especially for the users in Korea and Japan. Most of the overseas users still have access to the Kr version.

In regards to this, the officials have announced to limit the KR version to Korea and Japan. Users from other countries will not be able to play the KR version.

The changes will be made w.e.f 1st May 2021, there will be restrictions on in-app-purchases for overseas accounts, rather than Japan and Korea. Also, Read – Pubg Mobile India launch news: Here is all you need to know

Including this, the network will be unstable for those, who try to play the Korean Version outside the Korean region.

Whilst for 30 June, there will complete login restriction for the users trying to login into the game from an overseas region.

Krafton, the developers also mentioned that the same restrictions will be applied for the Indian users as well. It means Indian users will not be able to play the Pubg Mobile Korean Version in the region.

Last year, the Indian Government banned the famous Battle Royale game Pubg Mobile and Pubg Mobile Lite. Till now, the government hasn’t unbanned it. Whilst, there appears some official news regarding the Pubg Mobile Indian Version development.

Pubg Mobile Indian version is still under development, but there isn’t any news regarding its release date. Recently, a Youtuber commented regarding the Indian version. He described that there is a green signal for the Indian version. We could expect the Indian version release soon, but till then we have to wait for the official statement.


Hamza Hayat is an experienced news editor who has spent the last six years at, specializing in reporting on Stimulus Payments, Direct Payments, and covering significant local news across the United States. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for delivering accurate, timely information, Hamza's work has helped keep readers informed on important economic and financial developments.