The signal messaging app has been top listed on the Apple App Store. After the Whatsapp privacy update, most of the Indian users are now joining the Signal app in India. Whatsapp recently updated their privacy policy as it’s mentioned that they will share user’s data with Facebook.

As everyone is now looking for Whatsapp alternatives, and the top priority is Telegram and Signal. Yesterday, Elon Musk tweeted and said that use Signal, after that there was a huge new sign-up on the Signal app. Due to which the verification code gets delayed across several providers.

On the same day, the officials tweeted and said that we are trying with our carrier to solve the issue as soon as possible. This app is a trusted privacy-focused open source messaging app, which is widely used by most of the influentials across the globe.

Same as Signal, a lot of new users are coming towards Telegram.  The privacy update decision made Whatsapp no longer a trusted one, that’s why everyone is moving towards their alternatives. While using Whatsapp users must have to agree with the privacy policy otherwise they won’t be able to use the famous messaging app after 8th February.  Currently, In India, the app has been top listed on Apple App Store.


Alan is the Editor-in-Chief at Thewistle. Previously, he was a long-time Contributing Editor at EContent Magazine. Past regular gigs included CITEworld, DaniWeb, TechTarget, Internet Evolution, and FierceContentManagement. If you got any questions, email Alan on [email protected]