Pubg Mobile Runic Power update 1.2 patch notes have been unveiled by the developers. Update 1.2 is going to roll out on January 12th. The game will have a new Runic Power mode with special powers. The users can update the game between 12th January to 17th January. During the update session, there will be no server down.

Update the game with-in the mentioned dates to get free

  • 2,888 BP
  • 100 AG
  • Acolyte of Justice Backpack (3d)

Pubg Mobile 1.2 Runic Power New Modes

The Runic Power gameplay will be available from January 12 to March 7. To experience the Runic Power users need to play the game in Erangle Map. As there will three special powers to use, users can select one that suits them the most. To obtain such power you need to collect Rune Fragments.

The Rune energy type can be selected by the players on Spawn Island which contains

  • Flame Rune
  • Arctic Rune
  • Wind Rune

Flame Rune

Summon a wheel of flame that rolls forward, dealing burning damage to the enemy while it touches them. Players can also add a burning effect to their Ammos for a short time.

Arctic Rune

With this type of Rune, players can summon it to make an ice wall in front of enemies. The block of Ice wall can destroy players and their vehicles. Players can also add a freezing effect to Ammo for a short time, which reduces the effects of healing.

Wind Rune

With this type of Rune, players can penetrate the damage of bullets by using a semi-transparent shield of wind. Players can also increase movement and reload speed.

Pubg Mobile Runic Power

A lot of new features have been added in Pubg Mobile update 1.2, such as Power Armor Mode in Evoground which will be available on February 7. Several security improvements have been made, also several bugs and experience improvements have been made.


Candelario is a Senior Editor at Thewistle. He worked for a number of leading tech publications, including Engadget, PCMag, Laptop, and Tech Times, where he served as the Managing Editor. His writing has appeared in Spin, Wired, Playboy, Entertainment Weekly, The Onion, Boing Boing, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Beast, and various other publications. You can contact Candelario on [email protected]