Pubg Mobile Lite 0.21.0 update is expected soon. According to different sources and rumors, the update is going to roll out somehow at the end of January. A couple of months ago the developers have released the Pubg Mobile Lite Winter Update 1.0.0, since then they haven’t revealed anything yet.

However, the update 0.21.0 might be released within a few days while the global version will be released at the end of the month. New features are expected in the upcoming update, there might be a new lobby, new ornaments, new grenades skins, and many more.

Although the officials didn’t reveal anything yet, from past leaks of the Pubg Lite Chinese version, we can guess what’s coming to the game. However, in India, both Pubg Mobile and Pubg Mobile Lite are still banned. Anyhow the Pubg Mobile Indian version is in making, and the game is expected to be released soon.

The lighter version of Pubg Lite is the most favorite and playable globally. The game is specially designed for low-end devices that can occupy up to 600MB space and require at least 1 GB of ram.

We could expect the Pubg Lite 0.21.0 beta update in the coming days, however, there isn’t any official news regarding the update. For further updates, stay connected.


Alan is the Editor-in-Chief at Thewistle. Previously, he was a long-time Contributing Editor at EContent Magazine. Past regular gigs included CITEworld, DaniWeb, TechTarget, Internet Evolution, and FierceContentManagement. If you got any questions, email Alan on [email protected]