The recent string of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez once again got the media’s hype. Justin’s new album “Justice” is expected to spruce up the image between the “Two Ex-lovers”

The album segued into a different picture by both fans. The heart-touching lyrics of “Ghost” by most fans ecstatically had it on solely for Selena Gomez.
As her, thunderstorms memories quiver the ground of his heart virtually and It never sets him free to live independently. From the cage where he lives for centuries.

Verily, The fans have the reins on their thoughts to analyze Justin’s Insight for the Song “Ghost” while opening up a new window of scandals to have legs on for years.

It goes without saying the two suffer a lot. They still live in the fresh memories of their dying hard past as the soul gets faded in the longing of the past days. The heart and brain do not want mercy pays. Somehow, both know they have nothing certainly. But the memories of spending their life lonely.

However, in reaction, some of the fans tweeted that Justin’s recent Album is not about Selena Gomez it’s just speculation. It’s all about Covid -19 which has taken away so many of his family members.

Justin Bieber conveyed his remarks about the song that many of his family members suffered a lot.

He said I know this has been a really challenging year where we have lost love ones. The hook is saying if I cant get close to you. I will settle for the ghost of you. That works for this quarantine situation. As we are not relating and connecting the same way. It has allowed us to really have these memories.

Image Source: Celebrity Blast (YouTube)

I hope this resonates and I hope it fills your heart up with joy or comfort in some sort of way. Realizing Justin’s mind by the aforementioned thoughts it looks so next to Selena Gomez’s memories. But this is how to stand with fans’ speculation.

On the other hand, Hailey Baldwin while reading the latest concept of Selena’s fans said, I think you are going through a situation where just have so many people hounding you with the same things over and over again. It starts to mess with your mind and then you start to question everything. You are like there something that I am not seeing that they see. Maybe they are right. It got to such a low point to me that I was like honestly maybe live in delusions.

She further added that I think one of the biggest things I struggled with for sure comparison aspect of the body comparison, looks comparisons, and behavior comparisons.

Further on she expressed emotionally that I usually stay quiet and don’t acknowledge these things because I need to protect myself and my mind. But it has truly gotten to the level of anger and hate that is shocking and unhealthy.

Selena Gomez’s Song ” Ghost of You” denotes the following feelings “Turn my back to the door feel so much better now. Don’t even try more nothing left to lose. There is a voice in the air Sayings don’t look back anywhere. There is a voice that always there.

However, Fans with their personal viewpoints can not be shut at all. As they have particular adherence with the feelings of their admiration to idolize someone. This is the fact that true love never dies. No matter how far it goes it always stays shut in one’s feelings.

What do you think will they go back in relation or would have the same relishing stories for hearing?


Hamza Hayat is the Independent Onwer of Thewistle. He has multiple year of Experience in Content Management, SEO and Wordpress Development.