Game of Thrones was a high Hope Web series but it did not came to end with the same high spirit. Fans are not so happy and satisfied by the ending strategy of the series they were expected something mind-blowing thrill but the end does not come to the hopes of the audience.

As the series went to the final episode by the authorities but the fanship still wants a remake of the conclusion. They want to show up the ending with some great fascination that could match the energy of the series.

Fans want a lot of changes in the final season and story. Most of all they were not expecting that the Daenerys Targaryen, (a role) was going to the city of King’s landing. This was the actual twist and hot concern of the script and season.

The role of Daenerys Targaryen was beautifully played by an American actress Emilia Clarke. People personally criticize her a lot. Apart from the story, apart from the scriptwriting, and apart from the direction, the fans are taking her on personal criticism that they do not want to see her doing this.

Emilia Clarke about GOT Ending

In a query regarding this criticism, Emilia Clarke responded that she did not get that criticism and response from the public. As what she was doing in the final season is written by the writer and story makers, she just performed what she is directed to. She being an actress was just bound to perform the task and not to judge the character on her own.

How the series came to an end wasn’t her personal decision or direction, as the story was already decided. Furthermore, she ended up in a nice humor sense that, it’s all okay, she can understand the belonging of audience with the series and it was their right express their views over the final season; Game of Thrones.


Hamza Hayat is the Independent Onwer of Thewistle. He has multiple year of Experience in Content Management, SEO and Wordpress Development.