Another Life is a Netflix Original sci-fi series created by Aaron Martin. The show stars Battlestar Galactica hero and actor Katie Sackhoff and Selma Blair from Hellboy movie series. Fans would be excited to know that the second season will premiere this month after two years hiatus.
The astronauts of a team search for intelligent life in space. Their mission is to find the source and origin of an alien artifact that appeared on Earth. Another Life begins when a Mobius strip-shaped UFO lands on the Earth and grows an immense crystalline tower above its surface.
Eric Wallace is a US Interstellar Command scientist interested in finding alien structures and tries unsuccessfully to contact them. Meanwhile, his wife, Captain Niko, takes her ship Salvare out into space to explore the tower’s origin.
When will Another Life Season 2 be Premiere?
Netflix is finally releasing its eagerly awaited second season of Another Life, which promises to be just as exciting and exciting. Ten episodes will be released at once on October 14th.
Another Life Season 2 Cast
- Dillon Casey as Seth Gage
- Shannon Chan-Kent as Iara
- Kurt Yaegar as Dillon Conner
- Carlena Britch as Paula Carbone
- kate Sackhoff
- Justin Chatwin
- Samuel Anderson
- Blu Hunt, Jake Abeel
- Alex Ozerov
- Alexander Eling
- JayR Tinaco
- Lina Renna
- Selma Blair
- Elizabeth Ludlow
- Tongayi Chirisa
What will happen in Another Life Season 2?
The second season of the show is going to be full of action and adventure. The Achaia has been revealed as a more dangerous race than initially thought. Also, it was revealed that the aliens are after humans, and it’s up for The Salvare crew members of Earth-chan. Who knows what these creatures want?
The show’s second season has been a lot more action-packed than any other, as Captain Niko finally decides to makes his way back to Earth after witnessing what he thought was going on in an alien invasion.
Niko and her crew’s synopsis are high as they witness Pi Canis Majoris being destroyed by Achaia. But unfortunately, aliens have also created a similar crystal tower on Earth’s atmosphere with their destructive power.
Niko knows that it will be a massive gamble if she keeps floating in space, so the trailer of Another Life Season 2 shows her taking an unexpected step. She knows that the aliens are planning to attack her planet at any moment, so she sets out on a mission to find out what they want.
Get ready for another season of nail-biting Another Life, and don’t miss out on the second installment.