Perhaps you captured the not-so-perfect shot by capturing strangers in your photo or a person who didn’t make it entirely into the frame. Luckily, Adobe Photoshop makes it easy to remove distracting onlookers and objects from your photos using a few simple tools!

PiXimperfect shows us how to remove people or objects from an image in seconds using Photoshop. The video is only 15-seconds long, but the steps are easy and effective!

Step for removing any subject within 15 Seconds using Photoshop

  • Open your image in Photoshop by selecting File >> Open, or dragging it into the Workspace.
  • After that simply choose the Object Selection Tool on your toolbar.
  • Then select rectangular mode to make a selection around your subject.
  • Click on the select >> Modify >> Expand.
  • Content-Aware Fill is a feature in Adobe Photoshop that allows you to fill empty parts of an image with content from another part. To use it, go to Edit >> Choose Content-Aware Fill when the Layers panel pops up.
  • To get the “Patchy” areas in your edit fixed, repeat the process.


Hamza Hayat is an experienced news editor who has spent the last six years at, specializing in reporting on Stimulus Payments, Direct Payments, and covering significant local news across the United States. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for delivering accurate, timely information, Hamza's work has helped keep readers informed on important economic and financial developments.