Perhaps you captured the not-so-perfect shot by capturing strangers in your photo or a person who didn’t make it entirely into the frame. Luckily, Adobe Photoshop makes it easy to remove distracting onlookers and objects from your photos using a few simple tools!
PiXimperfect shows us how to remove people or objects from an image in seconds using Photoshop. The video is only 15-seconds long, but the steps are easy and effective!
Step for removing any subject within 15 Seconds using Photoshop
- Open your image in Photoshop by selecting File >> Open, or dragging it into the Workspace.
- After that simply choose the Object Selection Tool on your toolbar.
- Then select rectangular mode to make a selection around your subject.
- Click on the select >> Modify >> Expand.
- Content-Aware Fill is a feature in Adobe Photoshop that allows you to fill empty parts of an image with content from another part. To use it, go to Edit >> Choose Content-Aware Fill when the Layers panel pops up.
- To get the “Patchy” areas in your edit fixed, repeat the process.