Apple introduced the latest Apple TV 4K at the recently held Spring Loaded Event. A bunch of new products was unveiled, including which they have revealed a sixth-generation Apple TV as well as a new Siri Remote.

The new Siri remote is quite different in look from the previous one, perhaps there are some new changes. Despite, having an Aluminum build, the remote looks premium. Also, the glass trackpad has been removed and replaced with a new circular trackpad.

However, the company removed one of the two features, which the previous remote have. Recently noted by Digital Trends, the new Siri Remote doesn’t have an Accelerometer and Gyroscope, which makes the new Remote incompatible with some of the Apple TV games.

On the previous Apple TV remote, these both were featured. The purpose of these sensors is to act as a game controller. With the original Apple TV remote, users can perform specific actions while playing any game on the TV.

The new Apple TV 4k still supports the older Siri Remote, in case someone prefers to use that one. Furthermore, the company might introduce their own gaming controller, so playing Apple TV games with a controller will be much more responsive rather than a Remote.


Hamza Hayat is the Independent Onwer of Thewistle. He has multiple year of Experience in Content Management, SEO and Wordpress Development.