Pubg Mobile Karakin Map has been rolled out, the map is officially live now in the Global version. The new map was announced recently by the developers, and finally, it’s arrived.
The map doesn’t need any update. However, it’s a small map based on a 2×2 km distance. There are lots of hills and little vegetation. There aren’t enough spaces to hide from enemies. Simply this map is designed for fast-paced mid to close combat.
Pubg Mobile Karakin Map
Only 64 players will be dropped into the arena, where they can fight each other within close combat. There are only a few places to hide from enemies, which are bunkers and Khandar Turned houses.
Pubg Mobile Karakin map has a new feature of destroying buildings. Players can now destruct building walls easily, so for now it’s not a good idea to hide beside buildings walls.
The map has been replaced with the snow map known as Vikendi. The Vikendi map is so far not available and has been removed from the game.
In karakin there is also a demolition zone, where sudden bombarding can occur when the siren starts suddenly.
Enjoy the new Karakin map now, just simply login to the game, and start playing the new Karakin map using different strategies and techniques. As there are limited places to hide.