Apple upcoming Silicon iMac is said to have a larger display than its predecessor. According to a renowned leaker, lOvetodream the new iMac will feature approximately larger displays than the current 27 inches model.

The phenomena of introducing larger displays are to feature the machines with fewer bezels, a new radical design and bevelled chassis.

This is supposed to be the 32-inch model featuring all of its hardware’s within one go. Moreover, as Bloomberg cited that the upcoming iMac may look similar to the Pro Display XDR.

According to 9to5Mac, the upcoming iMac might feature a 24 inches display. This would be the smaller version, the 27-inch model might be upgraded to the 30-inch machine.

However, the debut of the Apple Silicon iMac isn’t confirmed yet, but it may arrive somehow in the third or fourth quarter of the year 2021. These new machines are expected to arrive soon, as Apple has already discontinued the Apple iMac Pro.

This could be the sign of getting upgraded models with the upgraded design and internals. These machines are expected to be powered by Apple Silicon Chips, which are better and faster than the previous chips.

The arrival isn’t confirmed yet, we will be updating you regarding the upcoming news and leaks.


Hamza Hayat is the Independent Onwer of Thewistle. He has multiple year of Experience in Content Management, SEO and Wordpress Development.