GTA 5 the sensational game over the past several years has got an unofficial remake mod. The GTA 5 remake mod is created by Nb. Design’s, with several enhancements to games effects and visuals. The remake mod is available for download, users can get it from Nb. Design website by becoming a member.

The game was released back in 2013 by Rockstar games. Since from it’s release date the game is still the best to go amongst the gamers. The action-adventure open world game has despite good visuals, and graphics.

Additionally, Nb.Design has marked it to the next level. The remake version of PC is remarkable, the effects and graphics visuals are out of the box. As the team has applied enhancement to the whole game.

Besides this, the Grand Theft Auto V remake version is available for PC. Only the Nb.Design Patreon members can get hands on the unofficial remake version.

However, to get the GTA 5 remake version on your PC, you need to become a member of the Nb. Designs. Simply visit here and become a member to enjoy the remake version with full intense gameplay.


Candelario is a Senior Editor at Thewistle. He worked for a number of leading tech publications, including Engadget, PCMag, Laptop, and Tech Times, where he served as the Managing Editor. His writing has appeared in Spin, Wired, Playboy, Entertainment Weekly, The Onion, Boing Boing, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Beast, and various other publications. You can contact Candelario on [email protected]