Pubg Mobile Lite Season 22 winner pass released recently. Currently, Season 22 is live and will be available till 30th March. However, the Pubg lite season 23 will be live once the current season ends.
It’s been a long way, the players didn’t see anything new in the game. The last Pubg Lite Winter update was released back in November 2020, however, after that, we also experienced Pubg Mobile Lite Payload 2.0 mode. But still, we didn’t receive any major update.
While Pubg Mobile 1.3 update was recently rolled out with a lot of new features, weapons, and new content.
Besides this, krafton company has also revealed Pubg New State. Which is likely to be released very soon for mobile devices. Unfortunately, India will not be amongst those countries to have Pubg New State.
The Pubg Lite Season 23 will be live somehow on 1st April. As usual, the winner pass will include Elite Pass and Elite Plus. The Elite Pass cost almost 280 in-game BC, while the Elite Plus cost 800 BC.
Players can earn different rewards by becoming the Elite Pass member. However, the player can complete up to 30 WP in the game. Besides all this, we could expect a major update in Pubg Mobile Lite as well, as recently Pubg Mobile got it’s update 1.3.