Pubg Mobile Lite Winter Update 0.20.0 has finally released globally. The developers have released the 0.20.0 (1.0.0) back in 2020, but now it’s released globally and is available for download. Being the lite version of Pubg Mobile, the game just got serious attraction and massive download in Asian countries.

Unfortunately, both Pubg Mobile and Pubg Lite were banned in India. However, the developers might release an Indian Version. After several beta updates, the Winter update 0.20.0 was released earlier with some exciting new features like Spwan Island, Snowboard, Snow Mountains, Ice balls, and festival theme, etc.

Hence, the update is now available globally and users across the world can now download the 0.20.0 version. The game requires almost 600 MB of space and at least 1 GB of ram. The developers especially designed this for low specs devices to ensure smoother gameplay just like Pubg Mobile.

To download the Pubg Lite Winter Update, visit the official website and download the APK file. Users can also download it from the TAP TAP website as well. Install the game on your device and you are good to go.


Candelario is a Senior Editor at Thewistle. He worked for a number of leading tech publications, including Engadget, PCMag, Laptop, and Tech Times, where he served as the Managing Editor. His writing has appeared in Spin, Wired, Playboy, Entertainment Weekly, The Onion, Boing Boing, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Beast, and various other publications. You can contact Candelario on [email protected]